Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting Tired....

So...about 3 days ago We went grocery shopping, at which point I was having uncomfortable contractions. By the time we were finishing up I could hardly walk. I sat every chance I could and got several funny looks from strangers....HELLO, I'M PREGNANT!!!

Anyway, once we got home the contractions were terrible and I was near tears. They were about 7 minutes apart from about 8pm until 2-3am. We all got really excited thinking that "this was is". I was having intense contractions and really bad back pain.

I probably should have gone to the hospital but really do not want to be sent home again so we waited and waited. I eventually fell asleep (by some miracle). Anytime I woke up I noticed my stomach was still tightening up but ignored it.

The next morning I felt slightly better but was still uncomfortable. And then.... ok, timeout...while I hate to be graphic I want to share EVERYTHING that's going on so here goes...

I went to the bathroom and LOST MY MUCUS PLUG!!! It was the most disgusting and amazing thing in the world!
Basically it was like a long and gross snot...or rubber cement. I was incredibly excited! I immediately called my mom, grandma, sisters, aunts, and some close friends. I thought that I was most certainly hours away from labor starting! I ran around the house like a chicken with it's head cut off and then finally calmed down enough to get dressed....

I headed to my already scheduled doctors appointment where I found out I hadn't gained anymore weight and have now dilated to 1.5 cms and am 90% effaced! I was initially really sad that I was not in labor but on the bright side my cervix is changing and Caylee is dropping more and more.

So, I've continued to loose bits of my plug over the last day or two but still no labor. I would love to have her now, but I'm trying to hold out until my mom can get away from work (which is the day AFTER Caylee's due date).

I feel as though I'm on a roller coaster! One minute things are great and exciting and then the next I'm sad, irritable, and ready to be done. The thoughts and prayers from my family and friends is what's getting me through...well, and imagining what holding my daughter is going to feel like.

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