Friday, July 10, 2009

16 Days to Go

There are officially only 16 days until Caylee's due date and I am beyond excited!!!!

The car seat finally arrived today (after I had to re-order it 3 times). I love the travel system! I put it together myself and carried the car seat around the house with a huge grin on my face. I also pushed the stroller around the house for a long time! I really thought I was going to go in labor and the car seat still wouldn't be here. I'm very thankful that it's finally here and put together! Today, Ill try to see if I can get daddy to put the base in my car...

So, we've almost completed week 37 and not a lot has happened. At the last doctor's visit I found out that the baby's head is halfway down and my cervix is almost completely effaced. I am dilated 1 cm! After losing weight I gained 2 lbs last week alone so the doctors were very happy.

Hmmm, what's new....I have a really bad ear infection! All of a sudden yesterday anytime I moved I would get sick and I was constantly dizzy. I really felt like I was dying and I looked like I hadn't slept in weeks. I called my OB and she asked if either of my ears were bothering me! Of course, my right ear has been bothering me for weeks but I didn't think it was anything to be worried about... I feel much better today, but after going to Kroger and Walgreen's I threw up in the parking lot!!! So I'm back to sitting and resting for the night. I think we will just have a nice at home date night <3

I've been sleeping better at night, thank God! Caylee is working with me and being still when I first lay down so I'm resting really well. I still sleep until about 11 am though.

I've had a few nights of painful contractions but things seem to be going really well. I just can't wait until she is finally here!

I think we are all excited to see what Caylee is going to look like! I hope she looks like daddy and of course he says he hopes she looks just like me. We shall see....

So 37 weeks down and 2-3 more to go!!!!

1 comment:

Jerome Allen said...

We are loving the site; it has provided us with many ideas.

Looking at your pictures make us miss you even more. Your dad said to tell you that you look beautiful. You are prettier than I was. We miss you and cannot wait to see you.

Love you!