Friday, May 15, 2009

Belly Button or Turkey Timer???

Yes, this is what my belly button now looks like! I have a turkey timer.

I had no idea that people would be so infatuated with my innie turned outie! It's really quite amusing. In all honesty the fact that I have a turkey timer poking out of my belly is quite entertaining to me as well. It's a constant reminder that my belly and baby are growing and also that July is getting just a little bit closer!

My belly button pokes out of all my clothing and looks like a cute little button...of course people see this cute button as an invitation to touch and/or comment on my baby bump! As if they simply cannot stop themselves, random strangers walk right up to me and poke my timer back in!!!

We have contemplated putting a bandaid over my belly button or taping something over it, but in the end we've decided that I'll let my turkey timer stick out and be proud of it! July is almost here and this is just a loevly little reminder!

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