Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hello 3rd Trimester!

Opinion varies on when the 3rd trimester begins. Some books say 27 weeks while others say it's 28 weeks. I was so excited at 27 weeks that we celebrated then! Well at midnight I will have made it to 28 weeks so will without a doubt be in the 3rd trimester!

We now have about 84 more days or 13 weeks until out little princess makes her grand entrance into the outside world! The things we have to look forward to are birthing class, the hospital tour, finishing the nursery, the 3D ultrasound, our maternity photo shoot, my gaining a lot more weight, and buying the rest of the baby stuff (which is a lot). We have SO much to do and our time is quickly running out. We are so excited!

At 28 weeks Caylee is about 15 and a half inches long and weighs a little over 2 and a half pounds! She reacts regularly to light (we tested this by flashing a light at my belly), she now has eyebrows and eyelashes, she has sleep cycles (REM) and some say babies at this stage have dreams! She is quickly putting on fat and will continue to do so until her birthday!

Here is what's new with me: 

Heartburn, I've never really dealt with this before but I kid you not it is AWFUL. It's every bit as bad as you hear! I can't eat anything after 9 pm without feeling awful for the rest of the night. The only thing that seems to help is if I sleep sitting up. The only way I can describe it is to say that you feel like the very top of your stomach all the way to the back of your throat is on fire. My throat waters and I feel like I could throw up at any given moment. I was told today that I can take something for it some I'm hoping that helps...

I have to run to a bathroom every 30 minutes! I'm drinking water all the time (and have been feeling a lot better as a result) and the amount I'm drinking combined with the 2+ pound baby pounding on my bladder keeps me constantly running for the bathroom! I actually ran over an old man yesterday (with a shopping cart) trying to find the bathroom in Kroger! I have no clue how it is physically possible to go as much as I do...but I've found a way!

Sleeping (not sleeping)...this is would be wonderful actually. The two issues I just mentioned basically make sleep IMPOSSIBLE! Factor in the leg cramps (totally normal), braxton hicks, and sooooomeone's snoring and you'll see why I am miserable every night. I would like to say that this will all get better but guess's gonna get WORSE! 

I'm so happy to have reached another milestone and cannot wait for all the wonderful things that will happen! HELLOOOO 3rd TRIMESTER!

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