Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Surprise OB Appt.

I got a phone call Monday afternoon asking me to come to the doctors office the next morning at 9 am. The call was a surprise because I wasn't supposed to be seen until the following week and because I'm on bed rest.

Well it turns out that the office had simply forgotten to cancel an old appointment! Thank goodness, I was starting to get worried. I lost about 3 more pounds which no one was happy about. For some reason, I am having a very hrad time keeping my weight up. The baby is still measuring and moving just fine so we are just going to add another meal to my day and then not stress out about my weight. My blood pressure was also really low which may explain why I've been so dizzy!

Everything else looked really great! The midwife did another internal exam and I am still not dilated however she said I am about 50% effaced! Caylee is sitting so low the doctor said that she thinks we will make it only 2 more weeks!!! My due date isn't for another 5 weeks!

I will have another check-up in a week (36 weeks) and then will be taken off bed rest. At that point, if I were to go into labor they won't try to stop her. So although we really want to wait until my mom and dad can be here it might be sooner!!

It's about time that I took another belly picture so Ill be back tomorrow to update!

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